Quarterly Praise Newsletter

Sunday Service

Worship Gathering: 10 am

by: Rhonda Owen



If you weren't able to attend the Quarterly Business Meeting on July 7, you missed some exciting and praiseworthy news!  The Lord has done some mighty things that we'd like to share:


This quarter the CARE Team celebrated teacher’s and nurse’s day by providing a small gift to GSBC teachers and nurses, and also to teachers and nurses at a local school and nursing home.

We took cards and cookies to the Montgomery Co Sherriff’s Office and Christiansburg Police Department to honor them during Police Appreciation Week. We also provided coffee and donuts to Town of Christiansburg employees for Public Works Week.

We donated items for Linden Green’s free yard sale, assisted with VBS, hosted a cook-out for VBS volunteers, started a daily prayer and bible study, and also started a Saturday prayer walk.  

The CARE Team is dedicated to sharing the love of God with our church family and our local community.

Anyone with a heart for serving is welcome to be a part the GSBC CARE Team!

Children's Ministry

Our Children’s Ministry has 20 kids on roll and there are 25 volunteers that serve on a rotating basis. Praise the Lord for all of these little ones and for those that are serving in this important ministry! The kids are currently studying in the Book of Acts and will begin a baptism class in a few weeks.

How can you serve in this ministry?  The Children's ministry can always use more volunteers and would welcome donations of water, goldfish, and animal crackers. 


VBS is always a special time of outreach for GSBC. This year we averaged 57 students and 58 volunteers. Five or 6 kids accepted Christ during VBS and one was recently baptized. Praise the Lord!

Not only were we able to share the gospel with these kids; we were also able to share some of our décor with 3 or 4 other churches.  Money collected during VBS will help support a boy and a girl in Guatemala, and also a local family in need.

If you have a heart for VBS, it's not too late to participate.  You can start praying now for next year’s VBS, and you can pray for all of the local VBSs that are still taking place this summer. 

Wedding News

Last, but not least, we want to congratulate Brady and Jess Bartlett on their recent wedding! A shower and reception will be held for them on Sunday, July 28 after worship service. 

We give the God all the glory for all of these blessings! 

Blog comments will be sent to the moderator

If you weren't able to attend the Quarterly Business Meeting on July 7, you missed some exciting and praiseworthy news!  The Lord has done some mighty things that we'd like to share:


This quarter the CARE Team celebrated teacher’s and nurse’s day by providing a small gift to GSBC teachers and nurses, and also to teachers and nurses at a local school and nursing home.

We took cards and cookies to the Montgomery Co Sherriff’s Office and Christiansburg Police Department to honor them during Police Appreciation Week. We also provided coffee and donuts to Town of Christiansburg employees for Public Works Week.

We donated items for Linden Green’s free yard sale, assisted with VBS, hosted a cook-out for VBS volunteers, started a daily prayer and bible study, and also started a Saturday prayer walk.  

The CARE Team is dedicated to sharing the love of God with our church family and our local community.

Anyone with a heart for serving is welcome to be a part the GSBC CARE Team!

Children's Ministry

Our Children’s Ministry has 20 kids on roll and there are 25 volunteers that serve on a rotating basis. Praise the Lord for all of these little ones and for those that are serving in this important ministry! The kids are currently studying in the Book of Acts and will begin a baptism class in a few weeks.

How can you serve in this ministry?  The Children's ministry can always use more volunteers and would welcome donations of water, goldfish, and animal crackers. 


VBS is always a special time of outreach for GSBC. This year we averaged 57 students and 58 volunteers. Five or 6 kids accepted Christ during VBS and one was recently baptized. Praise the Lord!

Not only were we able to share the gospel with these kids; we were also able to share some of our décor with 3 or 4 other churches.  Money collected during VBS will help support a boy and a girl in Guatemala, and also a local family in need.

If you have a heart for VBS, it's not too late to participate.  You can start praying now for next year’s VBS, and you can pray for all of the local VBSs that are still taking place this summer. 

Wedding News

Last, but not least, we want to congratulate Brady and Jess Bartlett on their recent wedding! A shower and reception will be held for them on Sunday, July 28 after worship service. 

We give the God all the glory for all of these blessings! 

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